"Sandro Partesotti e Leda Siliprandi"
Dopo della scomparsa della sua curatrice ed ideatrice Leda Siliprandi Partesotti
avvenuta lo scorso anno 2021
Sto portando a termine l'archiviazione della grande mole di materiale
lasciatomi dalla Mamma.
Mi auguro di riuscire a mettere materiale della collezione prossimamente online per visite virtuali.
Un ringraziamento anticipato per tutti i visitatori.
Visto che la casa sede del Museo è stata ora ceduta,
sono inoltre disponibile a valutare offerte serie per l'acquisizione dell'intera collezione in maniera da non disperdere il trentennale lavoro della Mamma.
Grazie a tutti.
Due to the death of the Museum's curator and ideator,
Mom Leda Siliprandi Partesotti, happened last year 2021,
I'm carrying on the big job of archiving of the huge collection and
I hope to be able to prepare to make it accessible for virtual visits.
Thank you very much for your interest
and, due to the fact that the house location of the Museum
now has been sold,
I can now also evaluate serious offers to acquire the whole collection
so to allow Mom's 30 years work to have correct and good collocation.
Marco Partesotti - tel./WhatsApp +39 348 2294980
Blocco 800.1.1, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.1.1, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.1.3, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.1.3, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.1.2, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.1.2, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.1.4, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.1.4, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.1.5, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.1.5, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.1.6, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.1.6, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.2, bottoni in jais, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.2, jais buttons XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.3, bottoni ricoperti di stoffa, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.3, covered with fabric, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.4, bottoni in vetro, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.4, glass buttons, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.5, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.5, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.6, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.6, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.7, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.7, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.8, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.8, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.9, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.9, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.10, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.10, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.11, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.11, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.12, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.12, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.13, pasta di vetro molata, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.13, grinded glass paste, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.14, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.14, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.15, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.15, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.16, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.16, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.17, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.17, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.18, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.18, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.19, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.19, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.20, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.20, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.21, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.21, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.22, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.22, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.23, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.23, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.24, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.24, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.25, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.25, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.26, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.26, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.27, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.27, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.28, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.28, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.29, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.29, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.30, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.30, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.31, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.31, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.32, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.32, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.33, XIX° sec. ↓→
Block 800.33, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.34, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.34, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.35, XIX° sec. ↓→
Block 800.35, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.36, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.36, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.37, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.36, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.38, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.38, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.40, metallo finemente lavorato con fondo di celluloide, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.40, finely worked metal with celluloid base XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.42, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.42, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.43, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.43, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.39, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.39, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.41, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.41, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.44, (fronte/retro) XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.44, (front/rear) XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.45, fronte/retro, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.45, front/rear, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.46, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.46, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.48, metallo smaltato e strass, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.48, metal with enamel and strass, XIXth cent.
Blocco 800.49, fronte/retro, cammei e imitazioni di cammei, XIX° sec. ↓
Block 800.49, front/rear, cameos and cameo imitations, XIXth cent.